Monday, May 3, 2021

How to Select a Good Trademark for Emerging Business?


How to Select a Trademark?

Undoubtedly, the trademark is one of the most essential assets for your business. A unique trademark not only uplifts the standard of your business but also makes it stand out. A poor trademark entangles you in a legal dispute and spoils your marketing effort. Therefore, people who have an emerging business or running a start-up, they should select a trademark very carefully. This post aims to highlight some essential points that will help people to select good trademark for their emerging businesses. 

Trademark That Describes Experience of Your Businesses:

Select a trademark name that reflects an experience or an action related to your brand. For example, let’s take an Apple iPhone- In products of Apple, we observe that a bite taken out of the Apple logo and slogan is “Think Different.” Therefore, people who have an emerging business, they should select a trademark after proper research and analysis of their business. 

Invent Words:

Invent a unique word that does not exist in any language apart from your trademark. Examples include Spandex, Exxon, Kodak, Viagra, and several other famous trademarks. Inventing unique words is always considered better in selecting trademark they are not descriptive and tend to be distinct.

Go Out-of-The-Box:

Think out-of-the-box, if you want to make your trademark distinctive. Think of something completely unrelated to your products or services.  This will not only set you apart from the competition, but your selected trademark will also be unique and easily remembered.

Animal or Plant Name:

Animal and plant names tend to be memorable and if used wisely, and also convey a good image while still being distinct. 

Trademarks India

S-191 C, 3rd floor, Manak Complex

School Block, Shakarpur

East Delhi, Delhi 110092

Website: www(dot)trademarksindia(dot)net

Email: Contact(at)TrademarksIndia(dot)net

Call/WhatsApp : +91-8800-100-281, 98100-45265                                                                                       


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